Spinal Cord Injuries

Facing A Spectrum Of Medical Needs

Spinal cord injuries range in degree from mild to severe to catastrophic, depending on where on the spine an injury occurred and whether the spine was severed. Even after a "mild" spinal cord injury, an accident victim's quality of life will usually be compromised indefinitely. Partial paralysis can make it necessary for a spinal cord injury victim to use a cane, walker or wheelchair indefinitely. A more catastrophic spinal cord injury may render a sufferer a paraplegic or quadriplegic. Loss of the use of one's hands is particularly devastating.

Depending on the severity of the injury, a spinal cord injury victim often requires multiple types of help and accommodation, including:

  • Ongoing physical therapy, occupational therapy and other types of therapy and medical care
  • Expensive durable medical equipment such as a power wheelchair, a lift and other devices
  • Vocational rehabilitation, if the person is able to work again
  • Personal care assistance ranging from a few hours a day to many hours per day
  • A modified van that will accommodate a wheelchair
  • Home remodeling or a move to accessible housing
Spinal Damage Can Cause Secondary Problems

A spinal cord injury victim, even after recovery from trauma, often must cope with medical problems such as:

  • Chronic pain
  • Numbness and tingling
  • Frequent body temperature changes, perhaps alternating between chills and sweats
  • Vulnerability to stroke
  • Vulnerability to urinary tract infection
  • A shortened life expectancy, in many cases

After a serious car, truck or construction accident resulting in a catastrophic outcome such as a spinal cord injury, a personal injury lawyer with confidence, dedication and experience is a valuable ally. At Caesar, Napoli & Spivak PLLC, we fight to obtain the compensation that our injured clients need and deserve. We work with medical experts, accident reconstructionists, life care planners and economists as needed to build strong injury claims for our spinal cord injury victim clients.

Speak With An Experienced Spinal Injury Lawyer

At Caesar, Napoli & Spivak PLLC, we do not charge for an initial consultation with a back, neck and spinal cord injury lawyer. To schedule a meeting with one of our attorneys after a car, truck, bus, train or workplace accident, contact us at (888) 235-6766. We handle personal injury cases on a contingency fee basis. You will not owe attorneys' fees unless we win a recovery for your case.

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